Designing for Ajax - Presentation

Recently I have been giving a talk on Designing for Ajax. I have given the talk or variations of the talk at:

Tonight I had the opportunity to present this talk for the WebGuild hosted at Google and we had a nice turn out, lots of great questions and good discussion afterwards. The talk stems from a previous blog I wrote on Nine Tips for Designing Rich Internet Applications.

In the course of giving the talk I have now simplified it to 7 interactive design principles:
  • Keep it direct
  • Provide live feedback
  • Offer an invitation
  • Cross borders relunctantly
  • Create a light footprint
  • Show Transitions
  • Think in Objects
I do all of my presentations in Keynote, so to make it widely available and still contain all of the nice transitions and embedded sample movies I have encoded it as an interactive Quicktime movie file.

You can download a medium sized Quicktime version of the presentation here.

You should download it to your desktop as I don't want my host to have to suffer with streaming it. Also, the interactive (click to move through presentation) works better when downloaded.

The PDF version is also available here.

I will be giving this talk (or variations of the talk) in the next couple of months at:
  • CSU/Hayward (not open to public)
  • City College/SF (not open to public)
  • Oracle Brown Bag
  • Adobe/Macromedia Brown Bag
  • eBay Brown Bag
  • Adaptive Path/Austin
  • The Ajax Experience/SF
  • Adaptive Path/Amsterdam
  • SIGCHI.NL/Amsterdam
So enjoy. And hey and here is what I ask in return.
  • If you find other examples that illustrate the patterns I have in the presentation, feel free to
    • Tag the site in either or under the tag 'ypatternexample'. Add other tags as you see fit. Also, add a comment to tell how to see the feature or what your thoughts positive or negative are about this example
    • Or send me a link, snapshot or description via email at ajaxevangelist @ yahoo dot com
  • If you find good counterexamples, also tag them and not it in the comments.
As I understand it, the WebGuild will have a podcast available from the talk as well. So check their website for that update.

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